Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute Tsinghua University


Laboratory of Smart Hydropower and River Basin Security

The Laboratory is co-built by SC-EIRI and the School of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University with the digitalization and intelligentization of watershed management as the strategic goal. It adopts the overall framework design of "indoor experiment and in-situ monitoring interaction", conducts key technical research and development, experiment testing, platform system construction, digital asset management and application scenario demonstration. Laboratory centering on three research areas: Hydropower, Security and Environment; deeply realizes the cross-integration of “Smartness + Water conservancy”. We develops smart hydropower and watershed security technology, equipment and platform system with leading-edge innovation and unified structure; and drives the smart, green and healthy development of the watershed.

Core capabilities

The Laboratory conducts key technical difficulties tacking, basic experimental testing, system platform construction, digital asset management and application scenario demonstration with hydropower, security and environment as three orientations, with the digitalization and intelligentization of watershed management and control as the strategic goal and with complex, rivers and watershed as the point-line-plane as the core structure.

Core capabilities
  • 1

    Hydropower orientation

    integrate operational knowledge and data science, explore & absorb rule features with high information density, adopt intelligent algorithms such as deep reinforcement learning, conduct key technical researches on key technologies such as optimal operation of cascade hydropower stations and integrated planning & regulation of water, wind and solar storage, develop software and hardware integrated system platform and conduct verification testing.
  • 2

    Safety orientation

    aim at the whole life cycle operation and control of key equipment and facilities of hydropower station, integrate cutting-edge information technologies such as "IoT, robots, and big data", focus on researches upon hydropower complex intelligent construction theory, routing inspection equipment system, state holographic perception, and structural safety assessment, and realize the "thorough perception - intelligent response - smart decision" of multi-service entities.
  • 3

    Environment orientation

    conduct cross-integration of "ecology + intelligence" discipline theory, carry out water ecology intelligent monitoring, hydrodynamic-environment-ecological simulation & assessment, key technical research upon river and lake hydraulic regulation and ecological value enhancement, and develop a river and lake smart water perception system integrating "monitoring warning-simulation prediction-comprehensive assessment-accurate decision".

Platform display

Relyingon the construction of "Hydropower Digital and Intelligent RoutingInspection Technology Engineering Research Center of Sichuan Province",the Laboratory adopts the overall framework design combining "indoorexperiment and in-situ monitoring", builds a research and applicationplatform integrating experiment and display, and achieves real-time interactionof multi-entities and multi-scenarios.
